Plenary meeting: 23-24 November 2022 in Paris

19 October 2022 par Super Administrateur [TheChamp-Sharing]
The plenary meeting of the GDR XFEL will be held at the Pierre and Marie Curie campus (Métro Jussieu) in Paris downtown on the 23-24 of November 2022.
The meeting will start on the 23rd at 10:00 and end on the 24th at 16:00. It will be in room 101 on the first floor between towers 42-32 on Wednesday 23-11-2022, with breaks in room 109 on the first floor of corridor 33-43, and in the Charpak amphitheatre (down the floor of tower 22) on Thursday 24-11-2022.

The registration are closed (contact Emmanuelle Jal if you still want to join). The contributions are open and you can submit a title and short summary for an oral presentation or a poster by emailing Marc Simon.

An overview of the program can be found below and the detailed program is available here.

Programme détaillé
Plan of the campus

Financial support for travelling and housing is available, please contact Marc Simon.

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